Monday, October 24, 2011

Increase Your Website's Ranking on Google Now Via Link Building

1. Create a killer content.

What is a killer content? It is an article or web copy that is highly informative, instructive or just too interesting and entertaining that anyone who would see it would gladly take a minute or two to read it. Why would it help you? Because a high quality content would be a good link bait, meaning people would naturally link to it because they found it worthy to be linked to.

2. Create a resource list for your category or niche.

For example, if your niche is Internet marketing, why not create something like a comprehensive list of the best Internet marketing blogs? And you can also write a short review or description about each blog. People would love to link to any well-done resource list.

3. Create blogs.

But do not just create a blog and stuff it with useless posts. Create one out of passion, just like you would if it is your main blog. It would be ideal if you would regularly post on it and build an authority for it. Occasionally, you should link back to your main website. This is one of those link building strategies that require much time to create but are truly worth it when done the right way.

4. Create a 'top 10' list.

People love linking to a top 10 list, whatever it may be. The key is to make that list reliable and interesting. Do not just create a list for the sake of having one. Your top 10 list must be the result of an extensive research, and not just a list of your favorites.

5. Social bookmarking

While social bookmarking is not exactly for creating backlinks, however, the fact remains that links can come from anywhere. Who knows maybe someone finds your bookmarked post very interesting and eventually link to it?

6. Article marketing

It takes time to write an article and then submit it to the top article directories like EzineArticles. But it is still one of the best sources of backlinks. Just make sure you are writing quality articles that would attract the attention of website owners looking for content for their sites.

7. Do a study or survey about a group of people.