Friday, April 27, 2012

New Trends - Not Traditional Link Building

Each year, Google changes its search algorithms innumerable times. While most of these changes are minor, every few months Google rules out a ‘major’ algorithmic update that affects search results in significant ways.

We keep a track of all these unpredictable Google updates for you and can not just explain but also tackle these changes before they start to hit your rankings and organic website traffic.

Our Link Building strategies are attuned to the latest Google Panda 3.4 update and include:

· Incorporating links only from sites that have good quality content, good traffic and social sharing

· More relevant and thematic linking with high-quality content and sites

· Steering clear of deceptive, ad-heavy sites

· Using unique and top quality, content, every single time

· Incorporating SMO as the best way to generate traffic

· Focusing on local search that helps local business listings

Don’t Let the Panda Devour Your Rankings! Come to Us!